Family History Relationship Chart
As family historians, a Family History Relationship Chart is going to become increasingly useful as we go through our research and find more and more people who may. or may not. be our direct descendants. They may be a cousin of a GGG grandparent or the Uncle of a sister to a relative 5 times removed.
As I am sure you already know, it can get very confusing at times.
A Relationship Chart can help you determine the relationship between you and this mysterious person that you have just discovered. It works on the simple principle of finding the common ancestor between you and another person.
This is where a Family History Relationship Chart can come in very handy.
It can help you determine the relationship between you and this mysterious person you have just discovered from the past.
To use the chart:
1. From the Vertical Grey column on the left of the chart select the appropriate direct descendent to you.
2. Then from the Horizontal Grey Column at the top of the chart select what the person you selected in Step 1 is to the person you have just discovered.
3. Then move horizontally from the person selected in Step one and down vertically from the person you selected in Step 2.
4. Where the two intersect is the relationship of the newly discovered person to you.
This Relationship Chart can be of assistance in two (2) main ways:
1, It can help you determine what your relationship is with your newfound relative.
2. When you have undergone a DNA test and you find relative matches who are listed as a certain relationship to you and you need clarification on what that means.
Download the Family History and Genealogy Forms and Charts Pack Now!