My Story My Life

My Story My Life. The life and Times of …


Only $21.99


Save your Family’s Valuable History, Memories, and Stories in this easy-to-use Family Memory Book.

“By offering this Family Memory Book to your loved ones or, by using it yourself, you have the opportunity to recall, document, and safeguard long-forgotten memories and family stories that one day, if they are not recorded, could be lost forever.”

“This booklet is a chance to once and for all put these most valuable stories and memories onto paper or, if you prefer the pdf digital copy, into electronic format which will then be available for generations of your family to come.”


A Page by Page Walkthrough


As a family historian, how many times have you said to yourself:

“I wish I had asked that question while they were still here” or,

“I should have paid more attention to what they where saying when I had the chance”

If you are anything like me and you had a dollar every time those words crossed your lips, you would most likely be a millionaire by now. However, sadly (and as much as I wish it was possible to do so) we cannot go back in time and ask our loved ones the questions we now, most desperately, would like to have the answers to.

But what if there was a way to minimise the risk of this situation presents itself again?

Would you take advantage of it?

This is one of the reasons I decided to put this Family Memory Book together and, by doing so, I am hoping to help you preserve those treasure troves of family information forever!