The Grand Idea
For years I have talked about travelling around Australia, but it seemed as though the opportunity for me to do so just never presented itself.
And when I say “travelling around Australia”, I am not talking about visiting the normal tourist attractions that people always visit but, experiencing the “real” Australia and gaining an appreciation for what the towns, mountains, deserts, coasts, plains and all the other natural wonders we are lucky enough this great land of ours offers.
As well, I also have a desire to see as much of the colonial and convict period of Australian History that is left that I can.
Viewed from the point of view of a Family Historian, history is going to be major factor and I hope to document most of what I see.
So, what actually is the idea?
Simply put:
To slowly travel by road, staying in rest areas and service centers, avoiding major highways and freeways where possible and visiting as many towns and natural attractions I can.
Of major interest on this journey will be:
- Colonial and Convict era buildings,
- War Memorials,
- Roadside Historical Markers,
- Historical Buildings,
- Abandoned Farmsteads,
- Cemeteries, and
- Australian Nature and Wildlife at it’s finest
I hope to video and take pictures of all of these (and more), as well as learn the stories behind them, which you as gold members, will have access to long before I make them public on the website.
So just sit back, relax and enjoy the ride as you come along on the journey with me!