Why is Genealogy Important?

Why is Genealogy Important?


Although it may seem like researching your genealogy is only going to satisfy your own curiosity and thirst for knowledge, you will find that there are many other benefits to be gained from it as well. Knowing and preserving your family history, not only for yourself but for your children can provide a multitude of unforeseen advantages that you may not be aware of.  Some of these advantages are listed below.

1. Family Identity

Knowing where our forebears came from and what their cultural background is can help us develop a strong sense of who we really are and understand those “family stories” and “Myths” from the perspective of those that lived them.

2. Strength and Resilience

In learning our family history we can see that not only did our ancestors survive natural disasters, wars, poverty and all the other hard times thrown at them, but most were able to improve their lot and live better lives.  By learning of these things and seeing how our ancestors enhanced their lives, despite everything that was thrown at them, we can use this knowledge to help strengthen our own resolve to get through any hardships we currently may be facing.

3. Historical Events

Many, if not all, countries celebrate and/or remember important events and occasions in their history. Researching your Genealogy can sometimes lead you to find ancestors who actually participated in those important events.

4. Long Lost Ancestors

Undertaking research into your family’s history may help you find out about relatives that you may have lost touch with over the years. It may also allow you to find family members or branches of the family tree you never knew existed.

5. Finding  Famous Ancestors

We all want to believe that we descend from a famous historical figure. Researching your Genealogy may uncover someone in your tree that was famous or historically important.

6. Family Legends

Going hand in hand with point number 1 (Family Identity), nearly every family has a legend, myth or story involving their ancestors that has been passed down through the generations. Through time this myth or story can grow and get exaggerated. Undertaken research into your Genealogy can possibly confirm what is true and what is exaggeration about the story and the circumstances surrounding it.

7. Medical Conditions

Researching your Genealogy can sometimes uncover medical conditions  passed down through the generations that you may not be aware of. Finding these conditions can allow you to take proactive action and maybe head it off before it becomes a major problem.

8. Walk where your Ancestors walked.

Once you have done the research and have the information about your ancestor or ancestors, make the pilgrimage to their hometown. Vist their home, walk the streets they walked, visit the places they visited. Bring your research to life.

9. Genealogy Can Encourage Understanding and Compassion

People who understand that their ancestors were immigrants or know where their family originated from, hopefully, will feel some compassion towards both modern-day immigrants and, the citizens of the country of their family’s origin. Knowing your genealogy can help create compassion and understanding for these communities, even though they are not part of your family’s tree.

10. Understanding and Protecting Family Traditions

Almost every family has a tradition or two that has been around for what seems like forever. Most of us go with it because it is what has been done since we were children. Genealogy can sometimes bring these traditions to life with an explanation as to why they occur and why they are so important to the family.

